Bu təqaüd Asian Institute of Technology University’də magistr və PhD təhsili almaq istəyən tələbələrə verilir. Qeyd edək ki, universitet Taylandda 1-ci, Asiyada isə 14-cü ən yaxşı universitetdir.
- His Majesty the King’s Scholarships for PHD Programs
- His Majesty the King’s Scholarships for MS Programs
- Her Majesty the Queen’s Scholarships for MS Programs
- Loom Nam Khong Pijai (GMS Scholarships) for MS Programs
Təqaüdlər nələri qarşılayır?
- Tam təhsil haqqı
- Aylıq stipendiya
- Konfranslarda təqdimat üçün səyahət xərcləri
- İdman imkanları və tələbə fəaliyyətləri
- Araşdırma institutları ilə əməkdaşlıq etmə imkanları
- Ödənişsiz qalma/yerləşmə
- Diplom
- Transkript (≥ 3.5)
- 2 tövsiyə məktubu
- Research proposal
- İngilis dili yetərliliyi (min IELTS 6.0 və ya ingiliscə təhsil aldığına dair arayış+ AIT Academic Writing Test)
Son müraciət tarixi: Fevral ayına təsadüf edir.
- Bakalavr və ya magistr ortalaması ən azı 3.5 olmalıdır.
- Butan, Timor-Leşt, ASEAN və digər Asiya ölkələri “eligible” sayılır.
Application fee: $25
School of Environment, Resources, and Development
- Development and Sustainability
- Gender and Development Studies
- Natural Resources Management
- Regional and Rural Development Planning
- Urban Environmental Management
- Urban Sustainability Planning and Design
Department of Food, Agriculture, and BioResources
- Agribusiness Management
- Agricultural Systems & Engineering
- Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources Management
- Food Engineering and Bioprocess Technology
- Food Innovation, Nutrition and Health
Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Change
- Sustainable Energy Transition
- Environmental Engineering and Management
- Climate Change and Sustainable Development
- Regenerative Sanitation
- Marine Plastic Abatement
Department of Civil and Infrastructure Engineering
- Construction, Engineering, and Infrastructure Management
- Geotechnical and Earth Resources Engineering
- Geosystem Exploration and Petroleum Geoengineering
- Structural Engineering
- Transportation Engineering
- Water Engineering and Management
Department of Information and Communication Technologies
- Computer Science
- Data Science and AI
- Information Management
- Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems
- Telecommunications
- Information & Communications Technologies
- IoT (Internet of Things) Systems Engineering
Department of Industrial Systems Engineering
- Bio-Nano Material Science and Engineering
- Mechatronics
- Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
- Nanotechnology
- Microelectronics and Embedded Systems
- Data Science & AI
- IoT (Internet of Things) Systems Engineering
School of Environment, Resources
- Disaster Preparedness, Mitigation, and Management
- Urban Water Engineering and Management
School of Management
- Business Administration MBA
- International Executive MBA (International EMBA)
- M/M.Sc. in International Finance
- M/M.Sc. in Business Analytics and Digital Transformation